Ponte e Chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli
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Ponte e Chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli

La chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli risale ai primi anni del XVII secolo. Sul suo portale è visibile la data 1614, l’anno della fine della costruzione. Fu adibito a deposito munizioni durante l’ultimo conflitto mondiale e venne bombardata, distrutta e ricostruita nel dopoguerra. Di fronte all’omonima chiesa si trova il ponte in pietra a tre arcate che risale al 1614.
Bridge and Oratory dedicated to Saint Mary of the angels
The church of the Madonna degli Angeli originates from the early 17th century. On its portal you can read 1614, the year its construction was completed. During the second world war it was destroyed as it was being used as an ammunition depot. It was rebuilt after the war. Opposite the church is the homonymous stone bridge which presents a humpback structure with three stone arches and dates back to 1614.